Principal’s Welcome
“Nau te rourou, naku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi ~ With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
— Melinda Iles
MEdLd, M.Mus(1st Class Hons), GDipTchg(Primary), Cert.Ed.Tech, Linking Minds Scholar
Kia ora and welcome to Murrays Bay Intermediate! I am very proud to be the Principal here at MBI. I grew up and was educated here in the Bays, finishing my schooling at Rangitoto College. I was a teacher at MBI early in my career and was thrilled to return as Principal in 2017. I take great pride in this role and feel privileged to have the opportunity to impact such a large number of students and families.
At MBI, we have an exceptional staff committed to both the delivery of a rigorous curriculum within rich learning environments, and providing opportunities that go above and beyond expectation. Students at MBI are encouraged to discover their passions and get involved with new experiences.
As an Intermediate school we recognise adolescence is a time of transition. Our students are developing independence and establishing their own sense of identity and self. At the same time, they still benefit from the guidance and support of the adults in their life. We value working alongside our families to ensure every child has a ‘full basket’ and will thrive.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Emerson
We look forward to walking this path together!
Nga mihi nui,
Melinda Iles
If you would like to contact Melinda Iles, please email her Executive Assistant, Carol Jones on carol.jones@mbi.school.nz