Our Vision & Values
Our Vision: Learn to Live - ako ki te ora
MBIS believes in empowering people.
We believe in the holistic learning of an individual that will lead to the well-rounded development of future citizens who will be able to participate in their community and society in the years that lie ahead.
We aim to create globally competent, globally confident, and culturally intelligent citizens who will be able to work and live anywhere in the world.
Our MBI Values
• Whakaute - Honesty • Manaakitanga - Respect • Aumangea - Resilience • Atawhai - Kindness
Our Current Priorities
Structured Literacy
The single most important predictor of a child’s academic success is the amount of time they spend reading books. Reading for pleasure is an essential part of reading, and to ensure our students are inclined to read for pleasure, we must provide them with the skills to become proficient and confident readers.
The guiding principles of structured literacy are systematic & explicit instruction, cumulative practice and review, and a diagnostic and responsive teaching approach. The elements of structured literacy include Phonology, Sound-symbol association (phoneme-grapheme), Patterns and conventions (orthography), Syllable instruction, Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics. At MBI, we are currently on a professional journey to introduce and strengthen our approach to teaching reading, including structured literacy instruction.
Bilingual - Multilingual Learners
The fastest-growing population of students around the world is bilingual and multilingual learners. The term bilingual/multilingual learners (BML) refers to students who are learning through English and working towards the goal of bilingualism or multilingualism within the mainstream English classroom.
At MBI, we are proud of our diverse student population and see language as a valuable vehicle for understanding and embracing cultural diversity. We want all our students to embrace their mother tongue language, feel connected to their cultural roots, and feel accepted and valued in their personal cultural identity. Through professional development, our MBI teachers and staff are committed to understanding the needs of BMLs and shifting teaching practices to embrace the globalised world we live and work in.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)
MBI is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) school.
The aim of PB4L is to enhance the engagement and achievement of students. Behaviour is not "good" or "bad". It serves a purpose because it pays off in some way and is weakened or reinforced by what happens after. PB4L represents a major shift in managing disruptive behaviour by students in our education system. (MOE, TKI, PB4L, 2021)
At MBI, we work in partnership with the PB4L programme to create a safe and caring environment, and social culture, that supports positive learning behaviour. We are engaging and strengthening relationships with parents, whānau, and the wider school community to create positive home - school environments. We have a shared understanding that positive behaviour is a prerequisite to improving the engagement and achievement of our students. This is a whole-school approach that sets a strong foundation for the students’ ability to thrive and experience success. This whole-school initiative supports the understanding that positive behaviour can be learnt.